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Eucalyptus globules in Ethiopian forestry

Author(s): Pohjonen V, T Pukkala


Eucalyptus globulus Labill. has been planted as the main tree species in the central highlands of Ethiopia since 1895. The success of the 100 000 ha planted so far is based on the adaptability of E. globulus to the highland climate and soil conditions, its vigorous coppicing and non-palatability for livestock, and its suitability for fuel and small construction poles. The mean annual growth of E. globulus in fuelwood plantations varies between 10 and 30 m3 ha−1 year−1. Other equally productive fuelwood species have not been identified for the Ethiopian highlands. Despite alleged ecological demerits, like high consumption of water, additional planting of E. globulus is justified until the current fuelwood shortage is eliminated. In the long run, parts of Ethiopian Eucalyptus plantations may naturally alter in composition into stands of indigenous highland species, e.g. Juniperus procera, Podocarpus gracilior and Olea africana.

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