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Experimental study on the repair of full thickness articular cartilage defects: effects of varying periods of continuous passive motion, cage activity, and immobilization

Author(s): Shimizu T, Videman T, Shimazaki K, Mooney V


In order to clarify the dose/response characteristics of continuous passive motion (CPM), the repair response of full thickness articular cartilage defects was studied in a rabbit model. The following combinations of CPM and immobilization (Imm) were utilized: CPM, 24 h/day; CPM, 8 h/day and Imm, 16 h/day; CPM, 2 h/day and Imm 22 h/day; Imm 24 h/day; and normal cage activity. These regimens were used only in the initial week and then all rabbits were permitted to move freely in their cages, except for a sixth Imm-CPM group that was kept immobilized in the initial week and then CPM 24 h/day for another week. The CPM 24 h/day and the CPM 8 h/day groups (groups 1 and 4, respectively) showed better repair than the other groups, i.e., better surface congruity, larger positive Safranin-O staining area, and greater number of chondrocytes in the repair tissue. The CPM 2 h/day group (group 3), however, showed only slightly better repair than the Imm group (group 4). The CPM following immobilization was not effective to overcome the harmful effect of immobilization. We conclude that in the present model, CPM for 8 or 24 h/day is effective for adequate cartilage repair even with some component of immobilization. Its application should be at least 8 h/day. On the contrary, if CPM is delayed for a week following immobilization, the effect of CPM on cartilage will be reduced.

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