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Prospective analysis of hip arthroscopy with 2-year follow-up

Author(s): Byrd JW, Jones KS


Purpose: Numerous indications, but little outcome data, have been reported for hip arthroscopy. The purpose of this prospective study is to report the 2-year results of hip arthroscopy performed on a consecutive series of patients for a variety of disorders.

Type of study: Case series.

Materials and methods: There were 38 procedures performed on 35 patients who have achieved 2-year follow-up. All patients were assessed with a modified Harris hip score (pain and function) preoperatively and postoperatively at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months or until a subsequent procedure was performed. Variables studied included age, sex, diagnosis, duration of symptoms, onset of symptoms, center-edge angle, Workers' Compensation, and pending litigation.

Results: Follow-up was obtained on all patients. The median score improved from 57 to 85 points. This included 10 cases (9 patients) who underwent a subsequent procedure at an average of 10 months (6 total hip arthroplasty, 1 core decompression, 3 second arthroscopy) with an index score of 54 compared with 52 at the time of the second procedure. The median improvement for the following diagnoses was: loose body (34), labral lesion (27), synovitis (26), chondral injury (18), arthritis (14), and avascular necrosis (-11). Of the variables studied, the most statistically significant finding was that older men with longer duration of symptoms did worse. Two complications occurred in 1 patient: partial neuropraxia of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and focal myositis ossificans along the anterior portal tract.

Conclusions: Hip arthroscopy can be performed for a variety of conditions (except end-stage avascular necrosis) with reasonable expectations of success and an acceptable complication rate. This is the first report to quantitate the results of hip arthroscopy for a heterogeneous population.

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