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Paris, France
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Rehabilitation after arthroscopy of an acetabularlabral tear

Author(s): Garrison JC, Osler MT, Singleton SB


Over the past few years, arthroscopy of the hip joint is becoming more common as a technique in both the diagnosis and treatment of hip pain. A frequent cause of hip and groin pain is a tear of the acetabular labrum. Patients with labral tears complain of pain in the groin region and pain with clicking in the hip without a history of pain prior to the original onset. Once a patient presents with signs and symptoms of hip pain that are greater than four weeks in conjunction with indicative findings of a labral tear by way of MRI, he or she may be considered a good candidate for arthroscopy of the hip joint. Little evidence exists in the current literature on rehabilitative procedures performed after arthroscopy of the acetabular labrum. The purpose of this clinical commentary is to suggest a rehabilitation protocol after acetebular labral debridement or repair.

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